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Modern World Changes Essay: What Will Be Interesting to Write about?

Spheres Which Are Changing in the Modern World

Some changes can be observed in all spheres of life, but some of them are more noticeable.

       1. Changes of Philosophy

The changes of philosophy actually lead to all the other changes. People look at life, at the aim of life and at the values in a different way. For example, we can say that the modern society tends to be more mercantile. Thus, you may discuss, how this is reflected on the family relationships, friendship, love and business. It is also necessary to explain briefly, what “mercantile” means.

       2. Changes in Society (Sociological Changes)

There are a lot of fresh sociological issues, which are actual and widely spoken about. You may be world- or country- oriented in your review. For example, there exists an overpopulation issue, which is mostly faced by countries of a so-called “third world”. Also, you may speak about such issues, as legalization of animal testing, about abortion, marijuana etc. Some society members are not able to adjust to the changes, so there are a lot of suicidal cases or psychological issues, especially in Japan and other well-developed countries.

      3. Changes in Science

Science is in a constant development. It creates more means to adjust the nature for easier and better life of humans. You may review some certain scientific fields` in particular to make your essay clear and informative. For example, talk about the space discoveries, or about the modern discoveries in Physics or Biology. There are quite a lot of interesting inventions that people are not aware of. You may find some under the Nobel Prize laureates.

       4. Changes in Ecology and Climate

The ecological situation in modern world becomes worse. This causes the global warming and greenhouse effect. The climate of many countries changes noticeably, and this reflects on the flora, fauna and people`s culture.

       A. Flora and Fauna Changes

Some species are not adjusted to survive under the new climate conditions. That is why we have so many species, which are close to extinction. The extinct species once were the part of a natural food chains and such changes may have inevitable bad results. Also, we can mention about growing of genetically modified plants and analyze the impact of this.

       B. Culture Changes

If some people got used to fishing, and suddenly the lake they were living near gets dry, they change their occupation. This is a brief explanation on how the people`s culture changes due to the climate.


How to Write a Paper about the Changes in the Modern World?

It is up to you to choose the narrow topic you are interested in. However, it is necessary to provide all the details and apply the techniques to make your essay interesting. If you do not know how to do this, our writers will be glad to help.

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