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How to Write a Reflection Essay to Get A+?

The reflection essay requires you to write down your original critical analysis on the certain reading. This will be a challenging task if you are not good at analysis, or you face some issues with putting your thoughts into a paper. If you want to ease the task and learn how to write a reflection essay, check the hints!


What Should Your Reflection Essay Have?

There are a few elements needed to be included to each good reflection essay.

  • Telling What You Are Writing a Reflection On

A common requirement for all of reflection essay is the description in introduction. The thing is that your reader will feel confused if he reads about something he does not know what. Therefore, make sure that you give a concise and clear description of the event, reading or experience you are going to write a reflection on. Set a good background for your reflective essay.

  • Your Personal Opinion

You should include your personal understanding rather than opinion of others. You should think over the issue, its causes, effects, and clarify for yourself, what is good and what is bad. These conclusions should be coherently placed into your reflection essay.

  • Links to the Material, Event or Experience You Are Writing a Reflection On

Your reflection won`t be full, if you do not back up your words with the exact facts, quotes etc. However, do not forget to check the required paper format/ citation style and format your essay according to the demands. Plagiarizing definitely won`t be a good idea.


Advice for a Reflection Essay Content & Structure

No wonder, that the reflection essay should also have 3 parts structure: an introduction, a body part and a conclusion. However, the content will depend on the aim of your writing, so:

1. An Introduction Should Have an Information on:

  • WHAT you are writing about in general
  • WHAT narrower issues you are going to deal with IN PARTICULAR
  • WHY the issue is worth to be written about
  • HOW you are going to analyze the reading


2. A Body Part Should Deal with:

  • Your personal IMPRESSIONS of the event or experience you are assigned to write a reflection on
  • Your CRITICAL EVALUATION of it (mainly it deals with using adjectives and explanations of them)
  • Your ANALYS of the experience or event: the explanations, the context review, the causes and effects links etc.

3. A Conclusion Should Include:

  • SUMMARY of the main ideas/findings
  • Paraphrased thesis statement to show that the aim of the essay writing has been reached
  • Logical predictions for the future influence of the material you have written a response to.


Features of a Good Reflection Essay

Here are the features an A essay should have:

          1. Relevance

There should be a reflection on a certain exact event/experience and no information on any not-related issues.

           2. Coherence

You should take care of paragraphs being linked one to another with the help of some ideas, linking phrases, terms and/or sentences.

           3. Correctness

To create a good impression, there should not be any kind of mistakes, especially in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice etc.


If You Feel You Cannot Cope with a Reflection Essay…

… there is a good solution offered by our company. An expert can work on your assignment from scratch or correct the draft you have completed. There is also a possibility to get information from him on how to write a reflection essay.

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